I graduated from the U of A
in 1972 with a BA in mathematics. I graduated from the U of A law school
in 1975 and moved to Arlington, Va. after graduation to clerk for Supreme
Court Justice William O. Douglas, who retired while I was one of his
law clerks. I then became a law clerk for Justice William J. Brennan,
Jr. After clerking, I entered private practice in Washington, D.C.
I remarried in 1977 to Joyce Kramer, from Brooklyn, N.Y. Our first child,
Aliya, was born in 1980. She is now at sophomore at the University of
Pennsylvania. Our second child, Rachel, was born in 1985. She is a high
school freshman.
In 1989, I moved my practice to the Maryland suburbs (to which I had
moved in 1977) and have been in private practice here and shoveling
snow ever since. |